Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Christmas is coming.....

I am so excited for Christmas are all of you?

This is my favourite time of year and I am so excited to put up my Christmas tree and decorations if you want to see the photos of my living room after it is decorated then comment below and tweet me.

I can't wait to play my Michael Bublé CD 

And my favourite advert of all time is the Coca Cola lorry :p if you haven't seen it you have to it's the best, and is definitely what starts Christmas.

I also have my Yankee Christmas candles ready.  They smell gorgeous.

If you want to see more of my decorations and what my room looks like after like I said message and tweet me and leave a post on my new Facebook page. I would love to see what you have done for Christmas too.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hannahandherbeautifulfantasy?ref=hl
Twitter link to the right.

Hannah xoxox

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