Sunday, 20 October 2013

lace black dress and brown suede boots Autumn wear from Newlook

Here is my outfit I wore today which was a last minute put together.
I apologise for the hair but it was really bad weather here so I didn't dry my hair properly because it just takes way to long especially if it is going to get wet as soon as I leave the front door.

Anyway this whole outfit you see here is all from Newlook :)
you may have noticed a link here :P  I love Newlook it's reasonably priced and nearly everything I own is from there.

Moving onto the outfit:
I thought this outfit was nice for the autumn as it's warm because of the leggings and boots but still looks cute to me.
The boots were a brown suede, with leather brown straps and a zip on the inside leg of the boot, the zip on the outside doesn't actually work.  I bought these last year for £49.99 but were well worth it and I always wear them which is probably why the inside of my boot is wearing away.

The leggings are really cheap in Newlook I cannot remember the price but they are lovely they are so thick that you don't have to worry about anyone seeing through them (I can't be the only one who has seen the bad pictures of girls wearing leggings which you can see right through as soon as they bend over..... not good).

The dress I bought last year it is plain black and has elastic around the waist it originally came with a small black leather belt but I removed as it broke :(
the top layer of the dress is covered in a thick lace with a flower design which is gorgeous.

The white top is very plain and light, it has a small lace design across the shoulders which isn't too much and just tops off the outfit.  This I bought brand new this year for the summer.

The brown belt is YEARS old I think I had it when I started dating my boyfriend which was over 4 years ago :P oops nothing wrong with recycling especially if you love them.
I felt the belt just helped to show off my waist and bring the outfit in together so I didn't look wide.

Hope you all loved this outfit I certainly did and I wore a blue coat I bought from last year just to top it off and keep me warm.

Thank you my lovelies please read my other posts and follow my links below and subscribe :) :

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