Friday, 31 January 2014

Favourite TV shows of January.

Hello everybody I did not know what to post today so thought I would tell you all about my favourite songs and TV shows at the moment here in England.  Some of the shows I will mention will have probably been shown in America and a few other countries however they have only been shown over here now.

                                                                       Hawaii five-0

                                                        The Milionaire Matchmaker:

                                                  Real housewives of Orange County.

                                                           The Big Bang Theory:

As you can see I range from watching reality to drama and comedy.  I absolutely love these shows at the moment and spend all my time watching them.  I tend to record all of them as my student nursing takes a lot of time but when I am home I kick back and relax and watch all my recorded episodes which take a while :) They definitely keep me relaxed and laughing.

If you want to see more post likes this tweet me and leave a comment below :)

Hope to speak to you all soon, I may be slower with posts as my student placement starts Monday which I am really excited about, and I am currently writing an essay for university.

Do not forget to follow me in the tabs bar above and my twitter and instagram links in the right hand bar ----->>


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