Sunday, 13 October 2013

Starstruck book by Paige Thomas. My review.

This amazing book by Paige Thomas had me hooked from beginning to end!
If you are looking for an erotic, romantic and action filled love story filled with Jealousy then this is the book for you.
The book stares two main characters, Jesse and Samantha.  These are two amazing and loving people meeting unexpectedly.
Samantha works in Australia whilst Jesse is the lead singer in a  very successful band.
In the beginning you see the two come together in his dream however Jesse does not realise this is Samantha's body until later on in the story.  
They both lead very different lives, Samantha's is mainly business travelling the world for meetings and designs for major companies where as Jesse, he is a well established singer in a band who travels the world on tour.

They both meet on a plane and the relationship begins to blossom after the plane is cancelled till a later flight becomes available.
While in the 1st class waiting room we find out that Samantha has an upsetting background in her love life.  She cannot have children and was engaged to a lovely man however she walks in after work to find him in bed with her best friend, this of course ended the relationship between the two.  So now we see a single woman dealing with the betrayal and hurt, however Jesse comes onto the scene and she has never wanted to be with a man so fast after just a short time span.

Samantha during the book is guided by her grandmother.  You don't realise until after Sam meets Jesse that Sam is actually able to talk to her grandmother who has passed away through her mind.  It is actually her grandmother through the story pushing and guiding her to make the right decisions in her life and to go for this genuine man.

Even though we see a great relationship between these two fantastic characters begin we see another side to the story.
Another character in the book is a female fan who is jealous of this relationship between Sam and Jesse and will do ANYTHING! to stop this relationship from carrying on.
During the story you see the female pop up in different chapters, and she is destroying the hotel, house and more.............

The ending of this book is amazing and full of action I was unable to put the book down because I was so excited to see what was going to happen.
I really recommend this book to those of you out there interested in erotica as well as a romantic love story.
The author is amazing and wrote this book very well.
Paige Thomas owns a Twitter account and tweets frequently about her book and the reviews it constantly receives on Amazon.
There is another book which was before this which is a very short book focused on Jesse's band mate and I think this will also make everyone fall in love with Paige's books.

Here is my Youtube video review:

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