Sunday, 12 January 2014

Busy being a nursing student.

Hello everybody,  Firstly I want to apologies that I have not put a post up for you all in about a week due to the fact that I have just started University again.

You would not believe the workload I have: essay prep, group work, individual revision, planning for my placement in the hospital nearby and reading around topics..... I am one busy bee.  And my work seems to go on forever, those of you in University will understand where I am coming from if you do placement alongside your university.  I am very tired, and have come close to falling asleep in lectures lol, oopsies.

I cannot wait for my next placement as it is dealing with the heart which is a topic that best interests me in nursing.  A lot of you may not know that I had a few heart problems over the past few years and I was then able to have an operation last March which fixed everything, and now I feel better than ever.  The condition I had was called Supra ventricular Tachycardia.  This is a condition where the electronic impulses in my heart caused a problem, in easy terms you are only meant to have one electrical impulse, which helps the heart beat, instead I had two.  The problem with 2 was that if one beat faster than the other it would cause my heart to speed up and become abnormal, and become Tachycardic.  I could have dealt with this however my heart rate was very fast, your heart is only meant to be between 60-90 beats per min, mine on one occasion my heart was beating at 280, this was distressing for me, but I had it all fixed and now I feel so much better.  Because of this it has made me want to nurse patients in the same position with the same condition or worse.  This is why my next placement is more interesting to me and definitely appeals to my future.

Anyway that was a little look into my personal life LOL.

I hope you all do not mind, I will try to get a new post up in the next couple days with more information, and maybe a review on a beauty product or I may do a bought it and forgot it month.

Just leave comments below or on any other of my social networks and I will reply and hopefully give you something more interesting to read.  Hope to talk to you soon.

Miss ya 
Hannah xoxox

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