Friday, 31 January 2014

Favourite TV shows of January.

Hello everybody I did not know what to post today so thought I would tell you all about my favourite songs and TV shows at the moment here in England.  Some of the shows I will mention will have probably been shown in America and a few other countries however they have only been shown over here now.

                                                                       Hawaii five-0

                                                        The Milionaire Matchmaker:

                                                  Real housewives of Orange County.

                                                           The Big Bang Theory:

As you can see I range from watching reality to drama and comedy.  I absolutely love these shows at the moment and spend all my time watching them.  I tend to record all of them as my student nursing takes a lot of time but when I am home I kick back and relax and watch all my recorded episodes which take a while :) They definitely keep me relaxed and laughing.

If you want to see more post likes this tweet me and leave a comment below :)

Hope to speak to you all soon, I may be slower with posts as my student placement starts Monday which I am really excited about, and I am currently writing an essay for university.

Do not forget to follow me in the tabs bar above and my twitter and instagram links in the right hand bar ----->>


Monday, 27 January 2014

Grammy awards 2014. Dresses I loved.

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I absolutely love these dresses, they are all different shapes and designs and look perfect on these ladies, I thought they looked drop dead gorgeous, and are definitely trend setters with different styles between them.

See more follow the link 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New Kittens

Hello everybody thought I would do a quick little post on what is happening with us at the moment.

We have decided to Adopt two adorable kittens from the Cats Protection, here in Plymouth, they are a boy and a girl who are currently called Alfie and Bea.  We will change their names when they are settled as my parents have two cats with exactly the same name (COINCIDENCE).  They are both brother and sister, unfortunately them and their mum were involved in domestic violence so they were taken to cats protection for rehoming.  

We have met them tonight for a first visit and hope to have them next week, they are between 5/6 months old so they are not tiny tiny like usual but about half the size of a fully grown cat.

Bea:  She is an adorable little girl, very loving and not shy at all, as soon as we went to the pen she was all over us for kisses and strokes, purring away.  She is a lovely tortoise shell colour, but darker shades (black, coffee, white, cream).  She is the smallest out the two but so adorable.

Alfie: He is a lovely black kitten.  He is very shy so we did not get to stroke him or see him as much as Bea, he preferred to watch us from a distance or try to escape LOL.  However he is perfect and I cannot wait to see him come out of himself more and feel at home with myself and my boyfriend.

We are going to call Alfie- Gizmo and Bea - Lilly.

I hope you are looking forward to seeing them as much as we are to have them home.

Hannah xoxo

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


If any of you follow me on social media you would have seen me talk about trying this new shake diet by Herbalife.

I have just completed the three day trial which was good, I did stay the same weight however, but I did lose inches around my waist, bum, and thigh which I am really happy about.

I would definitely recommend you all try this, what I was told to to by my distributor was have two shakes a day, I had one for breakfast and the other for lunch and then had a really healthy evening meal.

If you want this you better have loads of milk per each shake you need 250ml of milk for the starter pack.  My starter pack was just Vanilla.
I am buying the pots now to start as I have noticed a difference in 3 days:
- feeling fuller for longer.
- Not snacking.
- eating less.
- Not feeling bloated.
- Having more energy.

Contact your local distributor, I feel amazing follow me to find out more.

Hannah xoxoxo

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Busy being a nursing student.

Hello everybody,  Firstly I want to apologies that I have not put a post up for you all in about a week due to the fact that I have just started University again.

You would not believe the workload I have: essay prep, group work, individual revision, planning for my placement in the hospital nearby and reading around topics..... I am one busy bee.  And my work seems to go on forever, those of you in University will understand where I am coming from if you do placement alongside your university.  I am very tired, and have come close to falling asleep in lectures lol, oopsies.

I cannot wait for my next placement as it is dealing with the heart which is a topic that best interests me in nursing.  A lot of you may not know that I had a few heart problems over the past few years and I was then able to have an operation last March which fixed everything, and now I feel better than ever.  The condition I had was called Supra ventricular Tachycardia.  This is a condition where the electronic impulses in my heart caused a problem, in easy terms you are only meant to have one electrical impulse, which helps the heart beat, instead I had two.  The problem with 2 was that if one beat faster than the other it would cause my heart to speed up and become abnormal, and become Tachycardic.  I could have dealt with this however my heart rate was very fast, your heart is only meant to be between 60-90 beats per min, mine on one occasion my heart was beating at 280, this was distressing for me, but I had it all fixed and now I feel so much better.  Because of this it has made me want to nurse patients in the same position with the same condition or worse.  This is why my next placement is more interesting to me and definitely appeals to my future.

Anyway that was a little look into my personal life LOL.

I hope you all do not mind, I will try to get a new post up in the next couple days with more information, and maybe a review on a beauty product or I may do a bought it and forgot it month.

Just leave comments below or on any other of my social networks and I will reply and hopefully give you something more interesting to read.  Hope to talk to you soon.

Miss ya 
Hannah xoxox

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Christmas present's VLOG

Hey my lovelies here is my video on what I was given for Christmas hope you all like it, I apologise for the lighting and the video my camera broke and my phone didn't work well :( hopefully I can sort it out.
 RELAX Sunday, hence the no makeup, wet hair and baggy clothes :D who doesn't like to be comfy?
Hope this gives you a chance to see not everyone needs to wear makeup or do your hair to feel good about yourself.