Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New Kittens

Hello everybody thought I would do a quick little post on what is happening with us at the moment.

We have decided to Adopt two adorable kittens from the Cats Protection, here in Plymouth, they are a boy and a girl who are currently called Alfie and Bea.  We will change their names when they are settled as my parents have two cats with exactly the same name (COINCIDENCE).  They are both brother and sister, unfortunately them and their mum were involved in domestic violence so they were taken to cats protection for rehoming.  

We have met them tonight for a first visit and hope to have them next week, they are between 5/6 months old so they are not tiny tiny like usual but about half the size of a fully grown cat.

Bea:  She is an adorable little girl, very loving and not shy at all, as soon as we went to the pen she was all over us for kisses and strokes, purring away.  She is a lovely tortoise shell colour, but darker shades (black, coffee, white, cream).  She is the smallest out the two but so adorable.

Alfie: He is a lovely black kitten.  He is very shy so we did not get to stroke him or see him as much as Bea, he preferred to watch us from a distance or try to escape LOL.  However he is perfect and I cannot wait to see him come out of himself more and feel at home with myself and my boyfriend.

We are going to call Alfie- Gizmo and Bea - Lilly.

I hope you are looking forward to seeing them as much as we are to have them home.

Hannah xoxo

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