Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My Favourite TV shows at the moment.

I thought I would do something a little different tonight and would tell you all my favourite TV shows that are on over here in England at the moment however most of them are from America.  I would love you all to comment below and tell me what your favourite TV shows are and what you would recommend.  As I am a nursing student a lot of shows I watch do include the body which is why the 3 shows I am showing you include bones and the dead.

I have watched all series 1-8 so far and I am absolutely hooked it's forensics with a twist.
Instead of looking at dead bodies with skin this TV series is about a group of people who specialise in different areas to help the FBI solve murders of those who are only skeletons.
I am really looking forward to season 9 which is currently being shown in America at the moment however it should be coming here very soon!
The characters include : Booth, Brennan (Bones), Angela, Hodgins, Sweets, Camille.
The characters vary in personalities which keeps the show interesting all the way through.
This is probably my top show at the moment and I have just finished the box set for the second time.

Rizzoli & Isles.
This is another hit American show which has been in this country for a couple years now.
The show is about a Boston cop called Jane Rizzoli and a Chief medical examiner called Moira Isles.
These two work together on the team who work on homicide in Boston, Jane is a hard cop who is best friends with Moira with a fun friendship that keeps you entertained as Moira always has facts to tell you about medical conditions, and Jane always has sarcastic come backs.

Body of Proof.
This show follows a medical examiner called Megan Hunt who deals with murders across the city.
She is definitely orientated with fashion and LOVES her heels.
At the moment Megan is trying to find out if her father actually committed suicide or whether it was staged, with the help from her cop friend she pushes to reveal the answers and stops at nothing to get what she wants.  She is a very independent woman who won't do what anyone tells her to do.

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Saturday, 26 October 2013

My favourite music at the moment.

Music is my life

Some of you may know from following me on Twitter that music is my life!
Without music I don't think I would be able to get through a lot of hard and good times in my life, I find I can vent a lot of feelings and emotions through music.

I always have my music on when walking, travelling, working hard and enjoying myself, there isn't one day I go without.
When I listen to music I go through fazes where I like a particular band or song and when I am hooked I do not stop listening until it is stuck in my head.  It also depends on my mood as to what I listen to.
I love music that much I even own a treble clef silver ring which I bought over 10 years ago.

My top 10  favourite songs/ bands at the moment include:
Michael Bublé.
Daft punk- Get lucky.
James Blunt - Bonfire Heart.
Avril Lavigne FT Chad Kroeger- Let Me Go.
Fall out boy.
Pitbul ft Ke$ha.
Demi Lovato.
One Republic.
Miley Cyrus.

Please follow me :)

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Guild Hunter series book review

These books are amazing if you love fantasy, action, erotica and mystery.
These books are wrote by Nalini Singh she does have twitter so I would recommend you follow her ..... Now onto the books!

The top 3 books are about the same two characters Elena and Raphael.
Elena is a vampire hunter and her job is to track down vampires that work for archangels for a HUGE price.
She earns a load of money and is involved in a lot of action.  I would describe her as an independent and feisty character who will not change for anyone due to her upbringing, her upbringing was bad, what happens to her changes everything, in this book people are born to be vampire hunters as they learn to sniff out vampires around them it's like a born skill.  However Elena's dad refuses to know her due to her mother committing suicide and her sister  being murdered when she was little.  She seeks refuge in the Guild where she meets her best friend and feels she has a family and a home for the first time in years, at the Guild is where she learnt to enhance her skills and become the best hunter around.

Raphael is a powerful Archangel who is in charge of Newyork and owns the biggest tower there.
He is feared by all in the city.
He belongs to a cadre of 10 who are Archangels across the whole world who discuss issues and boundaries.
Raphael is feared due to him being the strongest Archangel around as he is the son of Two Archangels.  Because he is so powerful he can kill people just by his mind and rip them apart.
Raphael has a right hand man called Dmitri who carries out the small jobs he wishes not to do,  Dmitri is a sarcastic character and you see how he tries to annoy Elena with scents that allure women to him.

The first story shows how Elena is hired by Raphael to find an Archangel who has turned to the dark side.   Elena is hesitant at first but Raphael proves to be stubborn and persistent as well as leaving a substantial deposit in her bank leading her to him.
I don't want to ruin what happens at the end but through these three books you see Elena's and Raphael's relationship grow with sex, love and action.

There is a lot of surprises, especially at the end of book one leading into book two. 
I was in love with these 3 books and read all 3 within a week I would highly recommend them if you want to see more info my me on the first book follow my YouTube review:

What I loved about this book was that you can see both sides of the story so you can feel how both the main characters feel about each other and the situation unfolding and how Elena is changing Raphael into more of a mortal.

If you loved Dmitri in the first 3 books then you will love this book.
This book is focused on just Dmitri.  Raphael and Elena are only mentioned a couple times throughout.
This book really looks into Dmitri's past and what it was like for him to have a family, and why he is the way he is when it comes to women and how a new vampire hunter may change everything he has done for thousands of years and why she reminds him so much of his wife.

This book again showed both sides of the story and how both characters feel.

I love all these books and I am currently reading the 5th as well as other books.
I am sorry this book review is so brief but I felt so bad for not writing a book review or another blog post.

However these books are a MUST read they had me hooked all the way through and I really did not want to put them down.

Please comment below for more posts and follow me on Twitter for more posts and updates :)

Hannah xox

Monday, 21 October 2013

Yankee Candles for christmas.

Hello my lovelies.
Hope all of you are okay, I have been getting ready for Christmas  I am that excited, I already have two presents wrapped and my Christmas cards all ready to send! That's called being organised.

Now onto the subject in hand.
I LOVE Yankee Candles they are my favourite candles and last so long.  I love mine that much that I have used 2 large jars and I am on my third now since August, I light them all the time and they let off so much scent which fills the whole flat.

The candles above were my recent purchase and were discounted for Christmas.
The large Cinnamon stick jar only cost me £14.99 from their UK site and arrived in 3 working days that does not include weekends.

The other 3 cute little jars were part of a Christmas gift set that I paid £19.99.
They are so cute and smell gorgeous I cannot wait to light them in December.
The 3 jars include the scents:
- Christmas Eve.
- Christmas cookie.
- Apple & Pine needle.

All these candles are so strong in smell and when alight they are even stronger, I feel when they are on together they will smell like Christmas and I am so excited AHH only over 2 months to go hehe.

I would definitely recommend these candles they are worth the money and they come in all shapes and sizes as well as candle stands to add to decoration.  The large ones burn for at least 150 hours.

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Sunday, 20 October 2013

lace black dress and brown suede boots Autumn wear from Newlook

Here is my outfit I wore today which was a last minute put together.
I apologise for the hair but it was really bad weather here so I didn't dry my hair properly because it just takes way to long especially if it is going to get wet as soon as I leave the front door.

Anyway this whole outfit you see here is all from Newlook :)
you may have noticed a link here :P  I love Newlook it's reasonably priced and nearly everything I own is from there.

Moving onto the outfit:
I thought this outfit was nice for the autumn as it's warm because of the leggings and boots but still looks cute to me.
The boots were a brown suede, with leather brown straps and a zip on the inside leg of the boot, the zip on the outside doesn't actually work.  I bought these last year for £49.99 but were well worth it and I always wear them which is probably why the inside of my boot is wearing away.

The leggings are really cheap in Newlook I cannot remember the price but they are lovely they are so thick that you don't have to worry about anyone seeing through them (I can't be the only one who has seen the bad pictures of girls wearing leggings which you can see right through as soon as they bend over..... not good).

The dress I bought last year it is plain black and has elastic around the waist it originally came with a small black leather belt but I removed as it broke :(
the top layer of the dress is covered in a thick lace with a flower design which is gorgeous.

The white top is very plain and light, it has a small lace design across the shoulders which isn't too much and just tops off the outfit.  This I bought brand new this year for the summer.

The brown belt is YEARS old I think I had it when I started dating my boyfriend which was over 4 years ago :P oops nothing wrong with recycling especially if you love them.
I felt the belt just helped to show off my waist and bring the outfit in together so I didn't look wide.

Hope you all loved this outfit I certainly did and I wore a blue coat I bought from last year just to top it off and keep me warm.

Thank you my lovelies please read my other posts and follow my links below and subscribe :) :

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Facial Routine.

Hey my lovelies, sorry I haven't posted in a couple days but I have been SO busy with University which is super hard at the moment as I am currently working on an essay as well as getting ready to start my next placement.
So I thought today I would share with you lovely people my current facial routine every morning and night and I hope you like it.
Neutrogena visibly clear spot stress control.
This is the first facial wash I use in my routine and I love it! The beads really get into those pores.
I have been through so many facial washes and none of them have worked and I am sure I am not the only one thinking that right now.... RIGHT!
Anyway best tip when washing your face is to use warm water as it helps to unblock those pores of ours.
Once wetting my face I take a pea sized amount of this facial scrub and gently rub into my face by moving my hands in small circles which help focus into the skin more.
Since using this my spots have visibly reduced and I am in love :)  I really struggle with spots especially when I am stressed and this facial scrub has kept those spots at bay.

Freederm sensitive facial wash for spot prone skin.
After washing off my Neutrogena scrub I use this lovely face wash as a gently exfoliate.
This face wash by freederm is really soft on the skin however it doesn't really work up a lather but it feels like silk on the skin and does the trick combined with the Neutrogena scrub.
I did used to use this on it's own however I found it didn't work well but combined it works perfectly.

Nivea Express Hydration Primer.
I use this after I have DABBED my face dry.
Even though it says primer I find it doesn't prime as much as it says but is perfect underneath makeup and just as a normal cream.
I have done a previous blog post on this cream so please follow and have a look at that blog.

Thank you so much for reading hope you all enjoyed please comment below what you think of these products and anything else you would recommend me doing a post on.
Don't forget to follow I am also on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram :) and that's all for now my lovelies.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Sunshine Award.

Hello fellow bloggers :).  I really did not know what I was going to post today then I received a lovely nomination from Daniela +BeautyBay.com.  This was a shock as I have only recently started my blog and didn't know anyone was taking notice.  This has really brightened up my day :)

The whole idea of the sunshine award is that you nominate 11 bloggers who put a little sunshine in your day, who are positive, creative and inspiring. 

The Rules:
You have to post a picture of the Sunshine award in the blog post. 
Post 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers.
Write 11 questions for them to answer.
Also let the bloggers you nominated know you have nominated them.

11 Random facts about me:

1. I am the biggest reader you could ever imagine especially when I was younger.
2. I am easily stressed :p which can get a bit much.
3. I love candles, cushions and flowers LOADS.
4. I listen to all sorts of music ALL the time!
5. I am a SIMS lover which is a little secret.
6.  I never really care for makeup when I was younger and had no idea what to do.
7. I absolutely love chocolate I can't stop eating it.
8. I am a really bad dieter due to number.
9. Clean freak when i want to clean everything gets cleaned.
10. I love cuddles.
11. Student nurse, working hard.

What's your favourite childhood memory?
Messing about with school friends in a den we made in the field :p.

If I grant you 3 wishes what would they be?
Have a lovely family house.
Travel the world.
Have loads of money to do what I want.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
How tall and muscly they are.

What's the most embarrassing thing you have ever been through?
When my grandad was standing in a supermarket he shouted out do what for a fiver. So everyone looked at me thinking  was asking him for naughty things.

What's your favourite drugstore foundation/mascara/lipstick?
Foundation: Loréal true match.
Mascara: Avon volume lashes.
Lipstick: Éstee Lauder.

If you could be any disney princess who would you be?
Sleeping beauty (I like to sleep).

What's your favourite colour?

How would you describe your style?
Floral and girly.

What's two things you love about yourself and two things you don't like about yourself?
I love asssets.
I love my hair.
I do not like my weight.
I do not like the spots on my face.

Why did you start blogging?
I wasn't good at youtube videos however I love to write about my favourite things and this was the best way to release how I feel into a blog.

Who's your favourite blogger/youtuber?
Nicole Guirriero.


My Questions for the nominees:
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. If you could have a meal with  anyone who would it be?
3. Favourite band?
4. Favourite book?
5. What would you describe your fashion as?
6.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
7. Why did you start a blog?
8. What is your favourite makeup product that you must have?
9. What is a habit of yours?
10. Favourite TV show?
11. Who is your celebrity crush?

Thank you so much to Daniela again, hope you like that I have nominated you.
Please follow and I hoped you liked learning more about me.

Love Hannah X

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

My favourite dress and boots from Newlook.

Everybody loves fashion, I mean who doesn't?
And what's better than buying your favourite item of clothing in the sale....... Yep that's right this dress was in Newlooks sale, and I couldn't of been happier.
In the sale this dress cost about £12.
It's a gorgeous skater dress and, what's better is that this dress is made for tall people.  I am about 5ft 9 and finding a dress that fits is extremely hard I can tell you.

This gorgeous dress has multiple flowers all over in all sorts of colours however from the picture you can tell it gives off a more lilac/purple tone to it.
The dress is bodycon on the top half and comes in nicely at the waist  as you can see.  
The bottom half of the dress as a flare to it and does not cling at all which is a bonus. 
I added the belt that I had already which was from Newlook a couple years ago however I felt it completed the outfit nicely.

These boots were also from Newlook and cost £39.99
I bought these on a student discount night with a credit note so I only had to pay £11.99 which I thought was AMAZING!
These boots are a size 8 which is the largest I believe Newlook go (yes I have large feet).
I have worn these twice and they are the comfiest pair of boots I have ever worn.

Now for the review.
The colour of these boots is gorgeous they are a dark chocolate brown colour with a lovely gold heel piece which is joint to two brown leather straps which spread around the boot.
The grip underneath is amazing, I always struggle to find boots with a grip and these are perfect.  I would definitely recommend these boots and they go perfectly with the dress I am wearing in the first picture.

Overall Newlook is above most my favourite highstreet shop.

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Monday, 14 October 2013

Nivea Express Hydration Primer. Product review

This cream has been a must buy for me over the past month, I don't know where I would be without it.  And best of all it's CHEAP!!  Who doesn't like a good bargain face cream that not only hydrates it primes.

Since using this I can't see me ever using another cream for my face as this is so hydrating and soft, my skin has never felt so good!.

When I first heard it was a cream with a primer I was a bit skeptical about how good a primer it was actually going to be.

I bought this cream from my local drug store called BOOTS, it was a very reasonable price of £4.99 and for the price it does exactly what it states on the box.
I found the pot inside was a good size and so far has lasted me a month and I am nearly hitting bottom.  The pot is glass topped with a light baby blue screw on lid.
When opening my firs impressions was that the cream smelt lovely, it doesn't have a particular scent, but more of a fresh smell to it.
The cream is always lovely and cold which always feels so nice when applying to my face.
I only take a small amount on my index finger and then dab all over my face.  Nivea recommend using small circular motions when rubbing the cream into the face which I agree on it feels so much nicer.
The cream has a very soft feel and doesn't feel thick at all and it does not leave a thick texture to the face afterwards.
I use this cream when I wake up after I wash my face and in the evening.
I definitely saw good results when using this with my makeup, my face feels so smooth, and the cream has reduced the amount of makeup that clogs my pores therefore leaving me with fresh clean skin that feels sooooo soft!.

I would definitely recommend this product to everyone out there it even comes with another formula for dry skin:

Like I said before this cream is amazing for anyone on a tight budget as it does exactly what it said on the box and has kept my skin soft and lovely for weeks now,  and I have tried everything to get my face looking better for a while and it prevents blemishes from becoming dry and flaky and instead I feel it helps heal them faster.

So please buy it's available everywhere such as : Superdrug, Boots, amazon and Ebay.

Leave your feedback below of what you thought of the product.

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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Starstruck book by Paige Thomas. My review.

This amazing book by Paige Thomas had me hooked from beginning to end!
If you are looking for an erotic, romantic and action filled love story filled with Jealousy then this is the book for you.
The book stares two main characters, Jesse and Samantha.  These are two amazing and loving people meeting unexpectedly.
Samantha works in Australia whilst Jesse is the lead singer in a  very successful band.
In the beginning you see the two come together in his dream however Jesse does not realise this is Samantha's body until later on in the story.  
They both lead very different lives, Samantha's is mainly business travelling the world for meetings and designs for major companies where as Jesse, he is a well established singer in a band who travels the world on tour.

They both meet on a plane and the relationship begins to blossom after the plane is cancelled till a later flight becomes available.
While in the 1st class waiting room we find out that Samantha has an upsetting background in her love life.  She cannot have children and was engaged to a lovely man however she walks in after work to find him in bed with her best friend, this of course ended the relationship between the two.  So now we see a single woman dealing with the betrayal and hurt, however Jesse comes onto the scene and she has never wanted to be with a man so fast after just a short time span.

Samantha during the book is guided by her grandmother.  You don't realise until after Sam meets Jesse that Sam is actually able to talk to her grandmother who has passed away through her mind.  It is actually her grandmother through the story pushing and guiding her to make the right decisions in her life and to go for this genuine man.

Even though we see a great relationship between these two fantastic characters begin we see another side to the story.
Another character in the book is a female fan who is jealous of this relationship between Sam and Jesse and will do ANYTHING! to stop this relationship from carrying on.
During the story you see the female pop up in different chapters, and she is destroying the hotel, house and more.............

The ending of this book is amazing and full of action I was unable to put the book down because I was so excited to see what was going to happen.
I really recommend this book to those of you out there interested in erotica as well as a romantic love story.
The author is amazing and wrote this book very well.
Paige Thomas owns a Twitter account and tweets frequently about her book and the reviews it constantly receives on Amazon.
There is another book which was before this which is a very short book focused on Jesse's band mate and I think this will also make everyone fall in love with Paige's books.

Here is my Youtube video review:

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