Saturday, 26 October 2013

My favourite music at the moment.

Music is my life

Some of you may know from following me on Twitter that music is my life!
Without music I don't think I would be able to get through a lot of hard and good times in my life, I find I can vent a lot of feelings and emotions through music.

I always have my music on when walking, travelling, working hard and enjoying myself, there isn't one day I go without.
When I listen to music I go through fazes where I like a particular band or song and when I am hooked I do not stop listening until it is stuck in my head.  It also depends on my mood as to what I listen to.
I love music that much I even own a treble clef silver ring which I bought over 10 years ago.

My top 10  favourite songs/ bands at the moment include:
Michael Bublé.
Daft punk- Get lucky.
James Blunt - Bonfire Heart.
Avril Lavigne FT Chad Kroeger- Let Me Go.
Fall out boy.
Pitbul ft Ke$ha.
Demi Lovato.
One Republic.
Miley Cyrus.

Please follow me :)

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