Monday, 21 October 2013

Yankee Candles for christmas.

Hello my lovelies.
Hope all of you are okay, I have been getting ready for Christmas  I am that excited, I already have two presents wrapped and my Christmas cards all ready to send! That's called being organised.

Now onto the subject in hand.
I LOVE Yankee Candles they are my favourite candles and last so long.  I love mine that much that I have used 2 large jars and I am on my third now since August, I light them all the time and they let off so much scent which fills the whole flat.

The candles above were my recent purchase and were discounted for Christmas.
The large Cinnamon stick jar only cost me £14.99 from their UK site and arrived in 3 working days that does not include weekends.

The other 3 cute little jars were part of a Christmas gift set that I paid £19.99.
They are so cute and smell gorgeous I cannot wait to light them in December.
The 3 jars include the scents:
- Christmas Eve.
- Christmas cookie.
- Apple & Pine needle.

All these candles are so strong in smell and when alight they are even stronger, I feel when they are on together they will smell like Christmas and I am so excited AHH only over 2 months to go hehe.

I would definitely recommend these candles they are worth the money and they come in all shapes and sizes as well as candle stands to add to decoration.  The large ones burn for at least 150 hours.

Don't forget to follow me on : InstagramTwitter

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